Friday, March 29, 2013

Miami according to Yashi

You have received a phone call from Yashi, a ninth grade student from Miami Beach Senior High School.
Listen to what he has to say about the different cities in America.

Answer the following questions:


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The American Dream in Florida

*Did you know?

- The idea of the *American Dream is deeply rooted in the *Declaration of Independence (1776) which states that "all men are created equal " and that they have the right to "Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness".
- The phrase "American Dream" became popular when *Horatio Alger wrote the rags to riches story of a destitute orphan boy living in New York City (1868).  He saves money, works hard and gets rich.
- In the 1920's, a great novelist, *F.Scott Fitzgerald depicted a less idealistic version of the American Dream. His novel entitled The Great Gatsby, shows that the American Dream can be corrupted by the pursuit of pleasure and money, and by excessive materialism.

=>Have a look at the photos below and imagine why they could illustrate the "American Dream" .


Pick the image that best represents your dream and post a comment that should convince other bloggers that there's no better dream!
If you prefer you can choose to talk about a dream that is not represented in the pictures.


Why go to Florida?


                                               Have a look at the cartoon below.


Do you think this image best represents what one should expect when they visit Florida?

Challenge: Talk about what YOU would expect to see when you visit Florida. Record yourself. If you prefer, you can choose to talk about things that are not represented in this image.


Friday, March 22, 2013

Possible places to Visit

You have received a reply letter from the host family listing their favorite spots to visit in Florida.

Among the touristic sites listed are the
-John Kennedy Space Center
- Seminole Okalee Indian Village
- Everglades Safari Park

Visit these websites. Pick out relevant information (admission charges, opening hours, how to get there, activities to do etc.)

Would you like to visit these places?
Write a post giving your reasons.

Tuesday, March 19, 2013

Miami Beach Senior High School website

As part of the language exchange program, Miami Beach Senior High School intends to organize a couple of activities and seminars every weekday in the mornings . This will help introduce French students to a typical American establishment of higher education.

Before hand, we invite you to visit the  Miami Beach Senior High school website. Please familiarize yourself with the various departments and student activities that this establishment offers.

You could begin by for example, selecting the department in which you would rather spend most of your time or by selecting 3 activities you would like to do during your visit.
Probably, you may want to engage in some sports . Have a look at what sports the school proposes. Pick out relevant information each time. (schedule, teacher, credits, pre-requisites etc). 

-Are there any activities that differ from what your school proposes? If so, make a list of them and post them. 
-Do you think it would be a good idea to have these activities in your school? If so, give your reasons.