Friday, March 29, 2013

The American Dream in Florida

*Did you know?

- The idea of the *American Dream is deeply rooted in the *Declaration of Independence (1776) which states that "all men are created equal " and that they have the right to "Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness".
- The phrase "American Dream" became popular when *Horatio Alger wrote the rags to riches story of a destitute orphan boy living in New York City (1868).  He saves money, works hard and gets rich.
- In the 1920's, a great novelist, *F.Scott Fitzgerald depicted a less idealistic version of the American Dream. His novel entitled The Great Gatsby, shows that the American Dream can be corrupted by the pursuit of pleasure and money, and by excessive materialism.

=>Have a look at the photos below and imagine why they could illustrate the "American Dream" .


Pick the image that best represents your dream and post a comment that should convince other bloggers that there's no better dream!
If you prefer you can choose to talk about a dream that is not represented in the pictures.


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