Thursday, February 28, 2013

You have got mail!

Your school has received the following letter of invitation.
Read it carefully and complete the attached sheet. 

                                                                                      Miami Beach Senior High School
                                                                                                           2231 Prairie Avenue
                                                                                                      Miami Beach, FL 33139
Lycée/College Buffon                                                                                               
16, Boulevard Pasteur                                                                                   
75015 Paris
                                                                                                   Thursday, 3th February 2013
            Exchange Program – Miami Beach Senior High School – Lycée/College Buffon

Dear Students,

After the successful trip made by the *twelfth grade students of Miami Beach Senior High School to Paris, France, we have the pleasure to inform you that Miami Beach Senior High School is now organizing as part of the language exchange study program, a 10 day trip to Florida, USA for the *ninth grade student group of Lycée/College Buffon. The dates scheduled for the American tour will be from the 20th to 30 th May 2013.

Accommodation for the duration of the stay will be provided by host families who will cater for the students’ full board and consequently act as chaperones during the duration of the stay. A carefully planned itinerary will allow students to experience the American culture and heritage through visits to a variety of museums and touristic sites. All scheduled activities will be chaperoned by teachers and the entire program overseen by the American tour director, Miss Claire Jones. Although the main focus of the trip is educational, there will be plenty of room for healthy fun activities and exploration. We would however like to remind students of the importance of maintaining exemplary conduct during the course of the trip. Students will be expected to respect certain rules including, punctuality at all group activities, respecting private property and people and under no circumstances will smoking or the consumption of alcohol be tolerated. 

At the end of the trip, students will be expected to create an internal class blog in which they shall post photos, videos and articles of the trip. We highly recommend that students pay keen attention during the trip to the various elements that differentiate the American Culture from the French Culture. Each student will then have a final task of expressing for a minute what they believe to be the most striking element between the two cultures.

A general orientation meeting for interested students will be held on 2nd April 2013 to discuss the program. Until then, we invite you to follow our blog and make any suggestions and comments. Your interaction is of great value to the cultural exchange between our two countries. We will also need to have a clear idea of how many students plan to participate in this unique cultural experience. The total cost of the trip will amount to 800 euros. This includes accommodation, food, air tickets and eventual entry charges to touristic sites. To confirm your participation, please complete the attached sheet and send it to your school secretary along with a 350 euro deposit check by the 16th April 2013.

For further information, please feel free to contact us at 305-532-4515.
We are looking forward to meeting you in Florida!

Mr. James BLACK.
Tour Coordinator


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